
Ali Raza a.k.a Jugno Wolf


Allow me to introduce you to the most fascinating guy I have seen. “Jugno” is one talented photographer, belongs from Multan. I met him two years ago and I saw his transformation within these two years as many other people have seen. His passion has let him thrive and has blew up everyone’s mind. His work is remarkable,  I wonder where would he in the next ten years? Ohh! Well. Where else than his one big dream, “The National Geographic”. Yes, that’s his ultimate goal and I’m very much confident that he will accomplish his goals.

He is already been doing exhibitions with the National Geographic Photographer Matthew Paley. He did two exhibitions, one in Lahore and the other in Islamabad. In quite a little time he has already got some fam. He is well known for his Cinematography than just Photography. Cant say more FREE HI NAA HOJAAYE 😀

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